Mission & Goals

Quick Stats

  • High Graduation Rate
  • Capacity for 220 students
  • Classes are 90 minutes long
  • Scholarships for graduating seniors
  • Small Classes – Average 15 to 20 students per class

In the national comprehensive package of youth services, one thing lacking is a signature program that provides proactive, preventive steps for youth. Such a program would provide intervention that insures these youth complete their education and that they are properly prepared to enter the workforce. Workforce Advantage Academy is a hand-and-glove fit. The school currently serves 240 Orange County youth. Long term, Workforce Academy officials would like to see that number grow to 300 and develop additional campuses around the state and the nation.

Mission Statement

Our mission at Workforce Advantage Academy Inc. is to create learning environments for high school students, particularly those rising juniors and seniors who desire a different approach to reach their potential. Through attendance at Workforce Academy, our students develop the academic, employment and social skills that they need to build rewarding lives and promote positive change in their communities.


Student holistic development

Our students develop the academic, employment and social skills that they need to build rewarding lives and promote positive change in their communities.

Dedicated team of education professionals

Workforce Advantage Academy is operated by a dedicated team of education professionals, with no ties to a management company.

Experiential learning opportunities

Experiential learning opportunities allow students to achieve academic excellence, employment success and social responsibility.

Provides students with work experience

Workforce Advantage Academy provides students with work experience while remaining in school and learning more about business and careers.

Photo Gallery

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